Firefighter 1 – 11 X 17
Terms of Use
The BC First Responders Mental Health Committee commissioned market research in order to explore the best ways to increase awareness of when and how to seek help, reduce stigma, increase supportive behaviours, and decrease barriers to seeking help. This research was performed with first responders through:
- In-depth interviews to understand perspectives;
- Online discussion board to gather feedback on potential concepts; and
- Focus groups and online discussion board to test campaign creative.
First responders felt strongly that a poster campaign will not change the culture; it can only be used to support other activities being undertaken to address stigma. A campaign can serve as an umbrella that links together resources, learning opportunities, and information. It is a supporting tool to drive people to resources, events, and activities first responder organizations are making available.
The posters were designed with a white space included in the bottom. This white space is for first responder organizations to place information on new resources and upcoming events or activities. Posters should not be used if that space is left blank. Furthermore, posters should generally only be placed for up to 3 weeks.
For further information, please contact the BC First Responders Mental Health Committee at info@bcfirstrespondersmentalhealth.com.