2023 Conference – Day 1 – Leadership Plenary
Fostering Team Cultures That Support High Performance and Well-being
Presented by Dr. Duncan Shields
Public safety organizations and workers face an increasingly complex set of systemic challenges that lie beyond their control – increasing role scope, staffing shortages, an overburdened public system (from health to justice) and a sometimes-unappreciative public that can contribute to frustration, cynicism and a sense of futility. Borrowing from the study of human performance and resilience under adverse conditions, we explore the link between human resilience, high performance, and accessing our potential as compassionate collaborators.
While individual coping capacity is important, this can be profoundly enhanced or degraded by work culture and other external systemic factors, a sense of belonging, organizational and team support, and a sense of meaningful contribution. Learn to “control the controllables” and take up the challenge to lead, from whatever position you hold, to support your team’s highest performance, and endurance while keeping each other well.